Term 1 2023 Music Update
Term 1 Music update
It’s been a flying start to the year already in the Music Centre, with our more than 500 instrumental students commencing lessons and rehearsals in Week 2. We’ve already had a trip to QPAC and Music Tour and there are a whole heap of performances around the corner so it’s definitely shaping up to be a busy 2023.
We were in the room where it happened…
In Week 5, Year 12 Music and Music Tech students, along with Year 11 Modern History students, took a trip to QPAC to see the Broadway musical Hamilton. The musical tells the story of the rise and fall of American founding father, Alexander Hamilton, expertly set to music by Lin Manuel Miranda. Both the students who had never heard any songs from the show and those who couldn’t stop singing along loved it and had a great time. Thanks to Mrs Waterford and Mr Portch for organising a great night out.
Music Camp
Concert Band and Allegretto Strings students are probably feeling pretty tired right about now after their time away at Luther Heights on Music Camp last weekend! It was a great few days of intensive rehearsals and sectionals, and both groups have improved enormously as a result. On Saturday night, the Music Captains hosted some excellent games for the musicians, including a Trash Fashion Parade, which was won by Year 7 model Dani Finlay.
The camp finished with the ensembles performing for each other. They’re all sounding wonderful and are looking forward to performing for everyone at our first big event, Music in the Dark, on Saturday May 27.
A huge thanks to Allegretto Strings director Mrs Gibbs and Concert Band director Mr Weal for conducting our students at Music Camp, and for Mr Cotgreave and Miss Chou for assisting. Thanks too to our Music Captains and mentors for all their help throughout the weekend.
New enrolments
Is your child musical, and wanting to have lessons on an instrument at school? The Music Department accepts enrolments at the beginning and end of each term, and registration can be made at any time by filling in this online form. (Please note that you won’t receive a response from Music until the enrolment period opens for Term 2, and there are some instruments for which students will need to go on a waiting list.) If you have any questions about lessons, policies, or fees, please visit our Music website at ww.stpaulsmusic.com.au.
Performance dates and social media
Terms 2, 3 and 4 are always very busy for Music students, with many competitions, performances and school events to play at. To find out about all our Music events, please visit the Events and Performances page on the Music website. All known performances for the year are currently on this page, and more will be added as they are confirmed.
You can also keep up to date with Music department happenings by following us on Instagram @musicsps and liking our St Paul’s Music Facebook page.